Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jaxon Tyson Cooper

On November 22, 2010 Our sweet little baby Jaxon was born. We loved him soo much the first time we saw him and held him. Our love for him grows everyday. He is such a blessing to us, it is hard to imagine what life would be like without him.

We were so excited to take Jaxon home. Here is a picture of him in his carseat ready for the drive home. (It was a very cold snowy day, so we had him very bundled up and this hoody was a little too big.)

This is what he looked like for the first month of his life... swaddled. He hated having his blanket off. :)

Here is Jaxon at 1 week old with his Grandma Cooper and Aunt Taylor!

I love this picture of Jaxon with my grandma Salter! I am so happy Jaxon and I could go to St. George to visit before we moved to Texas, my grandma and grandpa mean SO much to me! I love you grandma! You are so beautiful!

Snoozing on the couch at great grandma Salters house!

Sleeping with great grandpa Salter!

I love this picture with Jaxon and cousin Suzie! Both getting the diapers changed with binki's in their mouth! :)

My beautiful cousins Kyla and Jayli, holding baby Jaxon.

Tyson's cousin Tisha took these pictures of Jaxon, she is amazing! Thanks Tisha! (www.smileandtake.com

Jaxon sleeping in his carseat with his cool hat on.

Jaxon at 1 month old. This was Christmas day, we all had so much fun with our families!

Jaxon LOVES bath time! He hated his first bath but has LOVED it ever since.

We LOVE cousin Suzie and aunt Cherish!

Here is Jaxon on his blessing day. (I will post more from the blessing day later.)

Sleeping in his favorite swing!

Suzie was SO excited to feed Jaxon.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Houston livestock show and rodeo

Today we went to the Houston livestock show and rodeo. Here in houston the rodeo is HUGE and they have a lot of other stuff going on during the rodeo, so we took Jaxon and walked around to look at all the livestock. We also looked around at all the shops and Tyson got his favorite, a jumbo turkey leg. Jaxon was a good sport he loves looking around at all the people and things to see.

Our happy little boy

Jaxon's first time eating solid food

Thursday, March 17, 2011


In December of 2010 Tyson was offered a job with CH2MHill in Houston Texas. We knew it would be awhile if we waited for a job in Utah so he took the job and and few weeks later, we were all moved out of our apartment and Tyson was on his way to texas. I stayed behind for a few weeks so I could get things finished up and spend sometime with my family.

My mom flew with us to texas and stayed for a week to help us get settled. I was so happy to have her here, I don't know how I would have left without her.
She was SOO much help. She helped with Jaxon, practically unpacked and organized my whole house, and kept me company. We didn't have any furnature yet so we ate dinner on the floor, and sat on boxes when we took breaks. We even made a bed for Jaxon on the floor! He didn't mind one bit, what a good sport. Thank you mom for all your help! You're the best mom, and I'm so glad to have you as my mom:)

It has been hard moving to Texas, but I thank my heavenly father everyday for my wonderful husband who takes such good care of us and for my sweet little boy who keeps me smiling everyday.

I don't know where I would be without all the wonderful people I have in my life.