We were so excited to take Jaxon home. Here is a picture of him in his carseat ready for the drive home. (It was a very cold snowy day, so we had him very bundled up and this hoody was a little too big.)
This is what he looked like for the first month of his life... swaddled. He hated having his blanket off. :)
Here is Jaxon at 1 week old with his Grandma Cooper and Aunt Taylor!
I love this picture of Jaxon with my grandma Salter! I am so happy Jaxon and I could go to St. George to visit before we moved to Texas, my grandma and grandpa mean SO much to me! I love you grandma! You are so beautiful!
Snoozing on the couch at great grandma Salters house!
Sleeping with great grandpa Salter!
I love this picture with Jaxon and cousin Suzie! Both getting the diapers changed with binki's in their mouth! :)
My beautiful cousins Kyla and Jayli, holding baby Jaxon.
Tyson's cousin Tisha took these pictures of Jaxon, she is amazing! Thanks Tisha! (www.smileandtake.com